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Developer Diary 311

Kdo čekal, ten se nedočkal. Podle informací ve včerejším DD, náš čeká patch až v následujícím týdnu. Pokud se, samozřejmě, nic závažného nestane. Aktualizace 4.703 bude obsahovat celkem tři velká letadla – JU88C-6, Gotha GV a Handley Page O/400. Mimo jiné zde bude dalších + – 40 vylepšení. Zde je jen výčet některých:

  • New sky technology and improvements to lighting. Should see a reduction in overall blue tint.
  • Improvements to the appearance and lighting of snowy landscapes.
  • The position of heavenly bodies now depends not only on time and date, but also on geographic coordinates (including when moving around the map).
  • Quick Mission GUI now includes the ability to set any time of day with clues as to Sunrise, Daylight, Sunset and Night-time scenes.
  • AI with mixed cannon and machine gun armaments shoot more accurately.
  • Fix to the landing lights that are visible from far away issue.
  • Added the Ju-88 C-6 to Stalingrad Career mode with III./KG76 and for the Battle of Kuban 7.(Eis)/KG 51 and 9./KG 55.
  • Squadron II./JG 3 for Pilot Career Battle of Stalingrad moved from AI to player controllable
  • Squadron II./KG 76 for pilot career Battle of Moscow and Battle of Stalingrad moved from AI to player controllable.

Co ale považuji za zlomové, je následující.

After much research and bug chasing, our engineers discovered clear issues with our modeling of some aspects of the Bf-109 airframe, which in some situations made their performance quite unrealistic. So, we have made some changes to most Bf-109 variants relating to the over-modeling of propeller performance and aerodynamics. Version 4.703 will include the following changes.

– On all Bf-109 aircraft (except for the E-7) the aerodynamic characteristics of the propeller have been changed to eliminate the unrealistic behavior of the aircraft in the wake of the propeller and the possibility of „hovering on the propeller“. The airframe aerodynamics of these aircraft has also been corrected so that the maximum speed, rate of climb, turn time, and acceleration time better corresponded to the reference values.

– On all Bf-109 aircraft (except for the E-7) the effectiveness of the ailerons at high speeds has been changed (increased) (the „clamping“ of the ailerons has been reduced at speeds over 400 km/h)

The goal was to be more accurate overall, so in some cases speeds may be bit lower at sea level, but higher at rated altitudes and climb-rate may be a bit slower. But in some cases, turns may be quicker, but acceleration a little slower. As usual, we have used a mix of German and Soviet sources to try to get a more accurate picture.

Jason Williams

Zní to velmi zajímavě a jsem hodně zvědavý na odezvu. Práce na palivovém systému podle informací pokročily do pozdní fáze a byly už v beta testování. Ale beta testeři stále nacházejí další problémy, které je třeba řešit, takže práce pokračují dál.

Celý Developer Diary 311

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